The Unwritten Rules of Women’s Leadership

When I was little, my dad told me that "Girls can do anything that boys can do!" And I believed him.

But he didn't tell me that, at work, I would often be the only woman in the room. He didn’t tell me that I would struggle to be seen, heard and not interrupted in meetings. He didn't tell me that I would find conflict at work difficult because I would take it personally and cry silently in the bathroom. He didn’t tell me that I wouldn't know how to ask for the mentorship that I needed from the senior leadership around me. He didn’t tell me that once I had children, I would always feel like I left work too early and got home too late.

Why I Wrote The Unwritten Rules of Women’s Leadership

He didn’t tell me any of that because he didn’t know. He was a man.

Throughout my career, I attended all the courses and leadership retreats that my two big companies sent me on. Those courses taught me a lot, but they didn’t teach me what I really needed to know to navigate my leadership journey as a woman. 

It took me years, but I figured out how to navigate my job at work and my job at home effectively. That’s why I now teach and coach "The Unwritten rules of Women’s Leadership." It’s what I wish I had known earlier in my career. 

I want it to be different for you and for all of our daughters.

I am a mother, a podcaster, a fabulous shopper, an average yogi, and a terrible cook.

And right now, I’m focused on sharing my book, my podcast, and my online course to bring a sisterhood of successful women together and help women rise.