Online Courses


The Unwritten Rules Course

My 12-week course is online with interactive modules, worksheets and group coaching calls. 

Every week, you will login to find a new, empowering video that highlights one of The Unwritten Rules. You will work through the course materials so that you can apply these learnings and proven methods to your own role and company. We’ll all meet to discuss your week’s work, takeaways, and any obstacles you face personally.

The sole focus is to grow and develop your career based on your version of success. If that looks like a promotion, I have the actionable insights to get you there. If that looks like more flexibility and balance, my course will give you the tools to make it happen.

Get promoted. Get paid.

Get the recognition you deserve.

Custom Corporate Courses

My 12-week course is online with group coaching, messaging from senior leaders and company-specific modules & worksheets.

If you are a company leader and looking to grow your women leadership pipeline, you will love this option. It’s the online course above with the power of customization for your company and leadership teams. We will work together to find the level of customization that suits you.

Every week, your cohort will login to find a new, empowering video that highlights one of The Unwritten Rules. They will work through the course materials so that they can apply these learnings and proven methods to their own role and your company. They’ll meet with me personally to grow and develop your career based on their version of success.

Grow your women’s leadership across departments.

As an an alumnae, you’ll feel comfortable:

✔️ Navigating difficult conversations

✔️ Asking for what you need

✔️ Empowering others

✔️ Negotiating pay raises and promotions

✔️ Finding mentors & mentoring

✔️ Facing new challenges head-on



1-on-1 Coaching